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In Person

If you would like to donate by mail, click here to download a contribution form.

Please make your check out to “Unison Preservation Society”, or to the “Unison Battlefield”, and sent to:


The Unison Preservation Society
Box 606
Middleburg, VA, 20118



We are happy to offer PayPal and a debit/credit card option to all our contributors who would like to donate online. Please use the “Donate” link below for your donation through PayPal or to use your debit/credit card. Once your donation is received, we will contact you with a contribution letter for your tax records. 

By Email

Email us  at

 to learn more!




The Unison Preservation Society is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.

Your support for UPS is more important than ever before.  As many of you know, Unison is once again at risk with two new developments (near the village) on the drawing board. UPS has a campaign underway to build up its reserves so we can monitor these projects and challenge them when needed, engage in proactive preservation planning projects with the County, while continuing to maintain the Unison Store and expand our terrific community events. Your support will play a vital role in preserving and enlivening the village of Unison and protecting the countryside that we love.
All donations are tax-deductible.

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